• In most of the cases, the translation of the document is required to complete the legalization service. (apostille certificate, embassy attestation)

  • The translation of the documents is provided by us within our complete service. We also undertake administration of document translations (also OFFI translations) separately from any legalization matters.

  • Regarding the translations in Hungary, it is worth knowing the following:

There are two type of translations that can be required for legalization maters. These are the attested translations prepared by OFFI and the “official” translations.


In Hungary, a translation is a certified translation if it is issued by an organization authorized to produce it as attested translation and it is suitable for use in official procedures.

Pursuant to Decree No. 24/1986 (26 June) of the Council of Ministers on Translation and Interpretation and Decree No. 7/1986 (26 June) of the Minister of Justice on the Implementation thereof, attested translation of foreign language source documents generally are the exclusive competence of the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Private Limited Company (OFFI).

In an attested translation, OFFI legally authenticates that the translated text is equivalent to the source text, in terms of content and legal effect.

  • In many embassies and in many official procedures in Hungary only documents with attested translation are accepted.

  • The disadvantage of the attested translations of OFFI Zrt. is that they are extremely costly.


Some of the translation agencies may issue attested translations of some court records, but only in one of the official languages of the European Union. These translations are essentially translations not made by OFFI which are considered as attested translations under the relevant legislation.

In particular, the following documents may be excluded from the OFFI translation if translated into one of the official languages of the European Union:

  • Corporate Extract

  • Corporate Copy

  • Contracts

  • Articles of Associations

  • Resolution of the General Assembly

  • Resolutions of the Member’s Meeting


A large number of foreign authorities accept the official translations of translation agencies in official form.

The advantage of the translations made by the translation agencies is that the prices are much lower than the prices of the OFFI authentic translations.

Based on the above, it is advisable to know in advance what kind of translation is accepted by the competent foreign authority in its official procedure.

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